Brandeis University – Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Synthetic Biology or Bioengineering
We are seeking applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Bioengineering at the Assistant Professor level. We are looking for individuals excited to contribute to the development of a groundbreaking program that integrates engineering into the sciences, breaking free from traditional disciplinary boundaries.. We are particularly interested in candidates who will establish an independent research program in biomolecular engineering (design, directed evolution and engineering of biomolecules and biomolecular machines) or synthetic biology (synthetic cells, engineering of gene regulatory, cell biological and signaling pathways, and cellular computation and biomolecular logic design), with an eye to innovative applications that address societal challenges such as human health and environmental sustainability. We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic about collaborating with our outstanding scientists with world-class strengths in biomaterials, structural biology, enzymology, mechanistic biochemistry, neuroscience, signaling and gene regulation, cell biology, and genome structure and repair. The successful candidate will be homed in either the Biology or Biochemistry department, determined through mutual agreement based on research interests. They will have the opportunity to participate in our NSF-funded Brandeis Bioinspired Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), and to recruit students from multiple Ph.D. programs, including Biochemistry and Biophysics, Molecular and Cell Biology, and Neuroscience.
- First consideration will be given to applications received by November 30th, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled. The start date is flexible with a target of Fall 2025, pending budgetary approval.
- Applicants should submit a detailed curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching interests and a research plan, and a statement of contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion to AcademicJobsOnline at See also this link for a fuller description of the opportunity.