5th Annual Mid-Atlantic Synthetic Biology Network (MASBN) Symposium Program Schedule
University of Delaware, Audion at STAR Tower, 100 Discovery Blvd, Newark, DE 19713
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025
Location: Audion, STAR Tower
2:00PM Registration Opens/Coffee & Snacks
2:30PM Welcome Remarks | Speaker: Keith Kozminski. UVA
2:35PM Session 1 – New to the Mid-Atlantic | Session Chair: Tara Deans, GA Tech
2:40PM Engineered CRISPR systems for drug discovery | Speaker: Sherry Gao. UPenn
3:00PM Design of multi-scale dynamics and functions of microbial communities. | Speaker: Ophelia Venturelli, Duke
3:20PM Coffee Break
3:40PM Biofabrication and Biomaterial Approaches for In Vitro 3D Models of Microbial Collectives | Speaker: Victoria Muir, UDel
3:55PM Using synthetic biology to engineer living electronic materials | Speaker: Josh Atkinson. Princeton
4:15PM De novo engineered living materials from bacteria | Speaker: Sara Molinari, UMD
4:35PM Coffee Break
4:50PM Session 2 – Fostering a Regional Innovation Ecosystem | Session Chair: Aditya Kunjapur, UDel
4:55PM History of DE Life Science & STAR Campus | Speaker: TBD. Udel
5:05PM Innovation in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing – the story of NIIMBL | Speaker: Kelvin Lee, UDel
5:20PM Panel on Accelerating Research Translation | Speakers: Mark Blenner, UDel, Jill Higginson, UDel, Nicole Merli, UDel, Bill Provine, DIS
6:05PM Reception and Poster Session 1
8:00PM End of Day 1
Friday, Jan. 10, 2025
Location: Audion, STAR Tower Speaker
8:00AM Registration Opens / Continental Breakfast
9:00AM Introduction of Keynote Speaker
9:05AM Keynote: Engineering Bacteria for Environmental Release | Speaker: Chris Voigt, MIT
9:50AM Coffee Break
10:00AM Session 3 – Building Communities (of Microbes) | Chair: Nathan Crook, NC State
10:05AM Electronically communicating with and controlling biology – redox synbio | Speaker: Bill Bentley. UMD
10:25AM Next-generation Biological Security and Biohackathon | Speaker: Corey Wilson, GA Tech
10:45AM Combinatorial and evolutionary engineering of probiotic yeast for in situ biomanufacturing | Speaker: Nathan Crook, NC State
11:05AM Engineering soil bacteria for long-term detection of TNT explosive in natural soil | Speaker: Howard Salis, Penn State
11:25AM Lunch and Poster Session 2
1:00PM Session 4 – SynBio for Health | Chair: Jamie Spangler, JHU
1:05PM New methods towards synthetic antibody production in yeast | Speaker: Johnny Blazeck, GA Tech
1:25PM Synthesizing protein engineering with metabolic glycoengineering to enhance antibody design and function | Speaker: Jamie Spangler, JHU
1:45PM Protein Engineering Approaches for Studying Cell Signaling | Speaker: Larry Stern USF
2:05PM Developing Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus-Like Particles as Modular Nanovaccines | Speaker: Akash Vaidya (Solomon Lab), UD
2:15PM Next-generation manufacturing and design of nitrated antigens for vaccination against infectious disease | Speaker: Neil Butler (Kunjapur Lab), UD /Nitro Bio
2:25PM Coffee Break
2:40PM Session 5 – SynBio for Sustainability OR Tour of NIIMBL (Meet at APBio) | Chair: Josh Michener, ORNL
2:45PM Understanding the tunability of methyl-coenzyme M reductase for methane bioconversion applications | Speaker: Kylie Allen, VA Tech
3:05PM Engineering Bacillus species for improved microbiome engineering | Speaker: Josh Michener, ORNL
3:25PM Engineering biology across the central dogma | Speaker: Samuel Schaffter, NIST
3:45PM Closing Remarks
3:50PM End of Symposium